Thursday, August 28, 2014

Once upon a foggy morning

Trying to wake up early morning to take pictures. These pictures were taken in the mid-summer season. I have taken atleast one panorama picture in my recent blog posts.I am still trying to learn everything about taking picture through an Iphone 5. I recently came across Paolo Nacpil on his instagram, I do not know have an opinion about him yet but I do feel we have the same taste in pictures.
1) F-Stop: f/2.4, Exposure: 1/120 sec, ISO-64.
2) F-Stop: f/2.4, Exposure: 1/40 sec, ISO-50.
3) F-Stop: f/2.4, Exposure: 1/120 sec, ISO-250.
4) F-Stop: f/2.4, Exposure: 1/40 sec, ISO-50.

Comment and let me know if I could how I can improve in taking these pictures in a different way. Check out Paolo Nacpil page and comment.

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